
Information and contact

Lexces focuses its efforts on professionals in occupational healthcare and occupational health and safety services. These parties can contact Lexces with any questions they may have about early diagnostics, treatment and prevention of occupational diseases in the workplace.

You are also more than welcome to contact us with any questions you (or the press) may have about the organisation, duties, the work programme and ongoing research projects of Lexces. Please complete the contact form below. We will contact you as soon as possible. 

Application for TSB regulation

Do you think you qualify for the TSB regulation? Then you can submit an application from 1 January 2023 to the Institute for Occupational Diseases due to Hazardous Substances (ISBG).


Yes, I have read and agree to the privacy statement

For a number of questions you can go elsewhere, for example:

For questions about your medical situation. For this you can contact your general practitioner, medical specialist, occupational physician or insurance doctor.

For any questions regarding the risks of working with hazardous substances and the implementation of preventive control measures at your company. For these you can contact  specialized consultancy companies. There are also occupational health and safety catalogues available for a variety of sectors to aid in the creation of a healthy and safe work environment. For more information, for example, go to the website of the Social and Economic Council of the Netherlands or contact your trade association.

For question regarding REACH and CLP legislation. You can contact the Chemische stoffen goed geregeld! help desk. This help desk also provides information about how to work with chemical substances and products in a safe and healthy way.

As a doctor in occupational healthcare, you can report a case of occupational disease via the website of the Netherlands Centre for Occupational Diseases (NCvB).